

93-4日,训练中心首门全英文课程“产品创新管理与项目管理”(Project Management and Innovative Project Development, PMIPD)成功举办。课程由训练中心智能制造实验室主任朱峰开设并主讲,面向全校国际生和国内学生开放,来自未央书院、建筑学院、经管学院、土木工程、计算机、自动化、工业工程、生物工程、化学工程、机械工程、化学系、英语系等十余个院系,以及不同国家和地区的13名本科生和7名研究生同学参加了此次课程。其中,分别来自巴基斯坦和喀麦隆的2位博士生同学特意修改了国际研究生培养计划来学习课程。课程以线上线下融合的方式开展。



课程围绕创新产品的管理和项目的管理,通过理论知识、案例分析、课程研讨、实际产品体验等环节开展。结合课堂知识,同学们分成五组,分别以年轻人心理健康的X花园(XGarden for young people psychological problem),银发老人的“小鲸护理系统(XiaoJing for elderly silver people)CVG早期病毒检测装置(GVG for early detection on serious viruses)OKA宠物健康监测系统(OKA for Pet Health Monitoring)Tepper口腔卫生数字化社区(Tepper for social oral health)为主题完成了从创意生成到产品落地的项目管理任务。



课程教学团队包括训练中心教研室副主任李璠,达芬骑公司CTO、自动化系校友李沛阳, Picus资本中国公司总裁、苏世民学院校友高岸林(Alexander Kremer)Picus资本中国公司副总裁陈力。课程团队从学术理论到产业实践为同学们提供了多维的学习视角。







Comments 1 To be frankly, PMIPD is one of the most special lectures I have ever attend in Tsinghua University. (Obviously it’s unbelievable that I can have free breakfast and even drinks in the classroom.) From this class, I learnt about how an innovation is born and firstly trying to make an innovative product, discussing who might be the stakeholders and how to communicate with the potential customers. I played the role of CTO in my team, and continuously thinking about the technology of our product and how to turn the technology into the product. As a normal engineering student in Tsinghua, most of my time is being spending on thinking how to complete the course or turning scientific research and experiment into a paper but not turning it into a product. In facts only the research is turning into the product and being providing to the customer is the technology really going to make our life better. We shouldn’t ignore the procedure. What the course really attracts me is inviting two company to give an introduction especially the Senior from Davinci Tech showing the motorcycle and sharing the experience of Innovation and Entrepreneurship which has inspired me a lot. I think the course will be better if it continuously focuses on this part and I’m really looking forward to it.

Comments 2 First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to teacher Feng Zhu for designing this course aimed at helping students understand the importance of transforming ideas and knowledge learned in class into meaningful products.

Participating in this course has helped me get better understanding of the relationship between product innovation management and project management. I have been able to clearly understand some critical attributes of mindset for innovation, including, breaking the rules (always try to explore new paths), collecting ideas everywhere (it is quite necessary to interact with people from different backgrounds and fields so as to get inspired), believing in the impossible (it is important to be confident and be prepared to overcome any challenges/obstacles that may come your way during the implementation), etc. It is very crucial to be acquainted with the technology trends in the areas in which one would like to innovate. Moreover, the vision, mission and power/strengths are highly important elements to define carefully when diving into innovation. I also met many new friends with different competencies and various ways of thinking, which are important driving-forces for innovative thinking and product development.

In a nutshell, I believe that this course constitutes a great opportunity for students to develop or improve their innovative thinking and problem-solving abilities, and I encourage both Chinese and international students to consider taking it next time. Besides, the course’s instructor could consider extending the duration of the course so as to improve both the quality and diversity of the contents to be covered. Furthermore, considering awarding students with a certificate of completion could be very helpful for their career development since project management skill is a highly appreciated asset nowadays.

Comments 3 The content and instruction of PMIPD course covered foundations based on experience level. Here, I am going to highlight some specific areas covered by this course such as:

Planning and defining scope

 Cost management tips

 Time management skills

 Organizational skills and tips

 Collaboration & Communication skills

 Leadership skills

 Risk management and contingency planning

This focus of this course not just covered theoretical based topics but also provided us with practical practice on how to initiate our project in the real market. This course also helped us how to collaborate and worked as a team by focusing on a clear vision & mission.

Comments 4 Throughout these two days, I have learnt a lot about product development tactics such as business model and roadmap. After deciding a team’s role division, it is crucial to use clear and comprehensive written methods to record our progress from innovation to development thus execution. The examples of LEGO and Gillitte helped us to understand and practice these tools. Particularly, the 9 blocks in the business model were brand new while useful for me. It easily reminds me of which aspects of cost and revenue I miss when pushing forward new ideas. Also, project performances indicators provide us with a guideline to carry out management plans more effectively and efficiently.

Overall, this is a rewarding course that trained us well with product sense, collaboration opportunities and presentation experiences. I would like to recommend it to my friends as well. Thank you for all teachers’ and guest speakers’ great effort.

Comments 5仅两天的课程如何学习项目管理和创新管理?”参加课程前的疑问在16个课时后完全消失,朱老师的课是清华少见的非常自由灵活的教学方式,注重互动和启发,并且邀请创业和风投前辈亲临介绍真实经验,在有限的时间内通过最基础的知识+最充分的实践,使易让人感觉大而空的管理知识和方法很好地被学生吸收和掌握。跟随课程节奏到达课程结束,我们A小组聚焦年轻人心理问题的产品也顺利完成,看到小组最终完成成果自己也不由赞叹。在课程中,也有幸认识了来自不同国家和地区、不同学院的同学们,互相交流,非常开心。




  • 电话 010-62796034
  • Email jcgyxlzx@mailoa.tsinghua.edu.cn
  • 地址 北京市海淀区清华大学,李兆基科技大楼B区,100084
